Alto Design Airbrush Tanning is located in Charleston, WV area we offer custom airbrush tanning and make-up services in the surrounding areas. We are also available to travel for clients who request our services.
24 hours before session you must.......
Exfoliate, remove dead skin cells and shave. This allows the airbrush tanning product to absorb into the skin way better.
Do not apply lotion or perfumes 8 hours prior to airbrush tanning session.
Avoid excessive sweating and water for eight hours following your session. This avoids streaking and allows tanning to inhants more.
Avoid swimmimg and spas for 24 hours after your session to prevent color from prematurely fading.
Moisturize twice daily will insure your tan lasting longer.
I recommend Xtender Tan Extender its enriched with moisturizing and natural oils for smooth and heathly looking skin. It is made with hemp seed oil that provides hydration for the skin. THC-drug free extends the life of your airbrush tan.
I come within 5 miles from Charleston within the price. I will still travel further for .99 cents on the mile.